Key data of the Bond 2021/2026

IssuerHomann Holzwerkstoffe GmbH, Munich
Issue volumeEUR 78,000,000 (after tap 05/2021; originally EUR 65,000,000)
ISIN / WKNDE000A3H2V19 / A3H2V1
Coupon4.50% p.a.
Issue price100 %
Principal amount/denominationEUR 1,000
Interest paymentAnnually in arrears, for the first time on 12 September 2021
Term5.5 years: 12 March 2021 to 12 September 2026
RedemptionDue on 12 September 2026 at principal amount (100% of principal amount)
Early redemption right of the issuer12 September 2024 (inclusive) to 12 September 2025 (exclusive): 101.5% of principal amount
12 September 2025 (inclusive) to 12 September 2026 (exclusive): 101.0% of principal amount
Statusunsubordinated, unsecured
Covenantsincluding restrictions on distributions, maintenance of a liquidity reserve, compliance with a debt-equity ratio; for further details, please refer to the terms and conditions of the bond
Stock exchange segmentOpen Market (Regulated Unofficial Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange) in the Quotation Board segment
Issue/value date12 March 2021 (trading in terms of issue from 3 March 2021)
Sole Lead ManagerIKB Deutsche Industriebank AG
DocumentsSecurities prospectus (PDF)
Terms & conditions of the bond (PDF)
Exchange offer (PDF)
Price fixing notification (PDF, German only)
Summary of this prospectus (PDF)


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